Inside My Brain

Inside My Brain

  • Speaking My Mind

    Speaking My Mind

    by Joelle Steele Thinking is an important part of my life. I spend a significant amount of time in contemplation, whether I’m meditating or simply day-dreaming. I’m an emotional person, but I’m also very logical, and this shapes my thinking to the extent that I make feeling and informed opinions… Read more…

  • My Life As A Polymath

    My Life As A Polymath

    by Joelle Steele I have always loved to work and be productive. I’m not the kind of person who can sit around and do nothing. Even when I’m watching TV I have to be doing something aside from just sitting there staring at the tube. Both my parents were the… Read more…

  • The Big Brain Theory

    The Big Brain Theory

    by Joelle Steele I’m a high IQ polymath. Don’t cringe! A polymath is merely someone who is an expert in many fields or disciplines. My IQ is 186, which puts me in the top one-tenth of a percentile (the 99.9th percentile). I used to belong to three high-IQ societies, so… Read more…

  • Being Your Own Boss

    Being Your Own Boss

    by Joelle Steele “If a task is once begun never leave it til it’s done. Be the labor great or small, do it well or not at all.” That’s what my mother used to quote to me growing up. She’s been gone for more than 30 years, and I still… Read more…

  • Being Ambidextrous

    Being Ambidextrous

    by Joelle Steele I first realized that I was ambidextrous when I was in the second grade and broke my left wrist. I didn’t know what it was called at the time, but I had always done things with both hands. Now that I had a broken left wrist, I… Read more…

  • Knowledge Is Freedom

    Knowledge Is Freedom

    by Joelle Steele I love my life and I love my work. I am one person with many careers. On several occasions I’ve been asked how it’s possible to simultaneously pursue multiple careers and be fully competent in all of them. Well, it’s not as difficult as it may seem,… Read more…

  • Spacial Sequence Synesthesia

    Spacial Sequence Synesthesia

    by Joelle Steele The hemispheres of the brains of ambidextrous and left-handed people, like me, are almost symmetric, which is the same as it is for people with synesthesia. But among synesthetes, ambidexterity is higher than in the general population. I‘m ambidextrous but I didn’t even know what synesthesia was… Read more…

  • Memory: Eidetic, Photographic, and Autobiographical

    Memory: Eidetic, Photographic, and Autobiographical

    by Joelle Steele Eidetic memory is often confused with photographic memory, but the two are not the same and both are much debated topics in the scientific community. Photographic memory is defined as being able to take a brief look at a page of text and then later recall and… Read more…