New Age Articles

New Age Articles

New Age Articles

by Joelle Steele

Below are some of my new and previously published articles about ESP and other New Age topics, but first a little background on me and my new age interests.

Joelle Steele

I am a practicing astrologer, and I became interested in New Age topics when I first started studying astrology at age 13. At that same time I began to study Tarot, I Ching, palmistry, and graphology. As a teenager I discovered that I had inherited my mother’s gift of ESP, and over the years I became proficient at psychometry (readings from objects). My articles on these and other New Age topics have been published in a variety of periodicals, and I also wrote an astrology Q&A advice column.

Reincarnation-Reviewing My Past Lives: I have always remembered my past lives, but still I wonder if they are just figments of my imagination.

Subliminal Learning-Message Scripting and Listening Techniques: Get Maximum Results in Subliminal Learning and Behavior Modification. How to select and use subliminal recordings to achieve your goals.

Subliminal Influence-Behavior Modification and Sleep Learning: How subliminal stimuli affects you and your brain.

Use of Psychics in Police Investigations: Describes ways in which police can better utilize the services of legitimate psychics in their investigations.

Synchronicity in Action: What a Coincidence! A collection of coincidences, just for curiosity’s sake.

A Brief Introduction to Symbols: An explanation of some of the terms synonymous with symbols.

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