Publishing Articles

Publishing Articles

Publishing Articles

by Joelle Steele

Joelle Steele

Below are some of my new and previously published articles on publishing. But first, a little background on me and the publishing industry.

In addition to my other career pursuits, I have been a writer since I was a child, and my first article was published in 1973, when I was 22 years old. My first book was published in 1976. Before starting my own publishing business in 1983, I worked as an illustrator for an advertising agency and as a creative director for a book publisher. I currently re-publish and self-publish my own books, and provide editing and typesetting services to self-publishers. I was also a former publisher of six periodicals, and I used to be a volunteer publisher of non-profit newsletters. On this website you can read my writing blog and my Q&A Advice columns for writers and publishers.

Know Your Creative Rights: You have lots of rights and other legal issues to attend to when you enter the creative arena. This article describes and defines first amendment rights, intellectual property, ownership and possession, copyright, public domain, derivative works and plagiarism, defamation (libel and slander), and publishing rights.

Five Tips for Improving Your Non-Profit’s Publication: You can make your non-profit organization’s publication more attractive and draw advertisers to offset production and editorial costs.

Is Self-Publishing For You?: Explains the differences between royalty publishers and self-publishing, pros and cons of self-publishing, costs involved in doing it all yourself.

How to Write Useful Writer’s Guidelines: Publishers need to provide helpful guidelines for writers, and this explains what is needed.

Planning Your Non-Profit Organization’s Publication: Explains how to create a schedule that will help keep your organization on track so that your annual roster or guide gets published on time.

Newsletters Promote Your Business: It’s a lot of work, but nothing will help you promote stronger client relations than a well-written and produced newsletter.

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