Miscellaneous Articles

Miscellaneous Articles

Miscellaneous Articles

by Joelle Steele

Joelle Steele

I’ve had many articles published on a wide variety of subjects, some of which don’t fit into my specialty categories elsewhere on this website, so here are a few of those misfits:

Upgrading Apartment Rentals: If you own an apartment building, here are some tips for upgrading and maintaining your units to be able to adequately raise your rents.

Office and Studio Ergonomics for Comfort & Efficiency: Find the best ways to work that will keep your body comfortable while expanding your efficiency and productivity.

Study and Test-Taking Tips: Once you learn how to study and how to take a test, learning and good grades will surely follow!

Finding The Right Pet Bird For You: Being the caretaker of a caged bird is a big responsibility, and you want to get it right.

Get Rid of Cockroaches Today! Learn about cockroaches and how to prevent them from taking over your house or apartment.

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