The following is a fairly comprehensive bibliography of 100+ books and articles about face and ear comparisons and related topics. As with all sciences, it helps to be able to read in several languages. English is not the only game in town, and most of the founding work in anthropometry and biometrics came out of France, and later Germany, and continues to be better developed and used in the European communities than in the United States. I have read everything in this bibliography (some only in part, since some only contain a chapter or two that are relevant to ear or face comparisons, or authentication of identities, etc.). When I first began studying and practicing face comparisons it was the mid-1970s, and there was no World Wide Web. Today, you may be able to find translations of some of these works online.

It is important to understand the evolution of the thinking and practices related to face and ear comparisons, facial recognition, and the authentication of identities. It enables us to see what the basis was for the various methodologies being practiced in our modern world. But there are a few caveats to all this reading. Many of the oldest writings reference the belief in eugenics; however, the references to that pseudo-science can be ignored, as they are still an excellent resource for learning the fundamentals of anthropometry and biometrics. On the other hand, some of the latest articles and books lack credibility because they are written by academics who lack sufficient experience in the subjects about which they purport to be experts. So if you want to pursue the use of faces and ears as identifiers, read and read extensively and, above all, read very carefully.

Alberti, Leon Battista, On Painting and Sculpture (Della pittura e della statua), Società tipografica de'Classici italiani, Milan, Italy (1804).

Adamson, J.E.; Horton, C.E.; and Crawford, H.H., “The Growth Pattern of the External Ear,” Plastic Reconstructive Surgery, 36: 466–470 (1965).

Alberink, Ph.D., Ivo, and Ruifrok, Ph.D., Aarnout, “Repeatability and Reproducibility of Earprint Acquisition,” Journal of Forensic Sciences, 53 pp 325-330 (2008).

Bandyopadhyay, Sushreeti, and Narayan, Devesh, “A Survey Report on Ear Biometric,” International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technology & Security (IJCSITS), Vol. 2, No. 6 (December 2012).

Bertillon, Alphonse, Judicial Photography with an Appendix on Anthropometric Classification and Identification (La Photographie Judiciaire avec une Appendice sur la Classification et l’Identification Anthropométriques), Gauthier-Villars, Paris, France (1890).

Bertillon, Alphonse, Identification anthropométrique, Gauthier-Villars, Paris, France (1891).

Bertillon, Alphonse, Identification anthropométrique: signalétiques pour l’identification anthropométrique, Melun, Paris, France (1893).

Borchard, Edwin Montefiore, Convicting the Innocent: Errors of Criminal Justice, Garden City, New York (1932).

Bourlai, Thirimachos; Ross, Arun A.; and Jain, Anil K., “On Matching Digital Face Images Against Scanned Passport Photos,” Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Biometrics, Identity, and Security, Tampa, Florida (September 2009).

Boyd, Edith, An Introduction to Human Biology and Anatomy for First Year Medical Students, Child Research Council, Denver, Colorado (1952).

Broca, Pierre-Paul, “Anthropologie,” Dictionnaire encyclopédique des Sciences médicales, Asselin V, Paris, France (1866).

Broca, Pierre-Paul, Instructions craniologiques et craniométriques, Société d’Anthropologie de Paris, G. Masson, Paris, France (1875).

Brodie, Allan G., “On the growth patterns of the human head,” American Journal of Anatomy, 68:209 (1941).

Bulmer, Michael, Francis Galton: Pioneer of Heredity and Biometry, Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, Maryland (2004).

Burge, Ph.D., Mark, and Burger, Ph.D., Wilhelm, “Ear Biometrics,” Biometrics: Personal Identification in Networked Society, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, Netherlands (2002).

Burian, Francis; Farkaš, Leslie G.; and Hajniš, Karel, “The use of anthropology in the observation of facial clefts,” Anthropologie, 1:41 (1964).

Byers, Steven N., Forensic Anthropology, Pearson Education Ltd., Boston, Massachusetts (2008).

Chorás, M., “Human Ear Identification Based on Image Analysis,” Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 3070 pp 688-693 (2004).

Comas, Juan, Manual of Physical Anthropology, Charles C. Thomas, Springfield, Illinois (1960).

da Vinci, Leonardo di ser Pierro, A Treatise on Painting (Trattato della pittura), Nell' Instituto della Scienze, Bologna, Italy (1786).

Dantcheva, Antitza; Velardo, Carmelo; D’Angelo, Angela; and Dugelay, Jean-Luc, “Bag of Soft Biometrics for Person Identification: New Trends and Challenges.” Multimedia Tools and Applications, 51 (2): 739–777 (October 2010).

Darwin, Charles Robert, The Descent of Man and Selection in Relation to Sex, John Murray, London, England (1871).

Darwin. Charles Robert, On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life, John Murray, London, England (1859).

Davenport, Charles B., “Post-natal development of the head,” Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society, 83:1 (1940).

de Barros, João, Decades of Asia (Décadas da Ásia), Lisbon, Portugal (1553).
DiMaio, Vincent J. M., Handbook of Forensic Pathology, CRC Press, Boca Raton, Florida (2006).

Dolinak, David; Matshes, Evan; and Lew, Emma O., Forensic Pathology: Principles and Practice, Academic Press, New York, New York (2005).

Duhousset, Emile, “Anthropométrie scientifique et proportions artistiques,” Revue d’Anthropologie (1889).

Dürer, Albrecht, Four Books On Human Proportion (Vier bücher von menschlicher Proportion), Book 4, Nürnberg, Germany (1528).

Duta, Nicolae and Jain, Anil K., “Learning the Human Face Concept in Black and White Images,” Proceedings of 14th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, Brisbane, Australia, pp. 1365 - 1367 (August 1998).

Ellis, Miriam Anne, The Human Ear: Its Identification and Physiognomy, Adam & Charles Black, London, England (1900).

Elsholtz, Johan Sigismund, Anthropometry (Anthropometria), Typis Matthaei Cadorini, Patavii (1654).

Enlow, Donald H., Facial Growth, 3rd ed., W.B. Saunders, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (1990).

Farkaš, Leslie G., “Anthropometry of Normal and Anomalous Ears,” Clinics in Plastic Surgery, 5:401 (1978).

Farkaš, Leslie G., Anthropometry of the Head and Face, 2nd ed., Raven Press, New York, New York (1994).

Farkaš, Leslie G., “Growth of Normal and Reconstructed Auricles,” In: Tanzer, R.C., Edgerton, M.T. eds., Symposium on Reconstruction of the Auricle, St. Louis, Missouri, CV Mosby, 24–31 (1974).

Fields, MD, Charles; Falls, MD, Hugh C.; Warren, Charles P.; and Zimberoff, Manuel, “The Ear of the Newborn as an Identification Constant,” Obstetrics & Gynecology, Vol. 16:1 pp 98-102 (July 1960).

Fitzpatrick, Colleen, The Dead Horse Investigation: Forensic Photo Analysis for Everyone, Rice Book Press, Fountain Valley, California (2008).

Galton, Francis, “Biometry,” Biometrika, 1: 7-10 (1901).

Gangaram, S., and Viriri, S., “Human Identification Based on Ear Recognition,” Recent Advances in Electrical Engineering and Educational Technologies.

George, Ph.D., Robert M., Facial Geometry: Graphic Facial Analysis for Forensic Artists, Charles C. Thomas, Springfield, Illinois (2007).

Goldstein, Marcus S., “Changes in dimensions and form of the face and head with age,” American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 22:37 (1936).

Gomes, Lee, “Can Facial Recognition Help Snag Terrorists?” The Wall Street Journal (September 27, 2001).

Graham, E.A.; Bowyer, V.L.; Martin, V.J.; and Rutty, G.N., “Investigation into the Usefulness of DNA Profiling of Earprints,” Science & Justice, 47 pp 155-9 (2007).

Gray, J., “The Statistical Method in Biology,” Man, 2: 29-30 (1902).

Hajniš, K., “Growth of the External Ear in German Populations and its Use in the Surgery of Congenital Defects,” Academia Publishing House of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, 345–351 (1971).

Hall, Judith G.; Allanson, Judith E.; Gripp, Karen W.; and Slavotinek, Anne M., Handbook of Physical Measurements, 2nd ed., Oxford University Press, New York, New York (2006).

Heseltine, Thomas; Pears, Nick E.; Austin, Jim; and Chen, Zhang Z., “Face Recognition: A Comparison of Appearance-Based Approaches,” Proc. VIIth Digital Image Computing: Techniques and Applications, Vol 1. pp 59-68 (2003).

Hirschi, F., “Identification of Ear Impressions” (“Identifizierung von Ohrabdrücken”), Kriminalistik 24, pp 75-79 (1970).

Hoogstrate, A.J.; van den Heuwel, H.; Huyben, E., “Ear Identification Based on Surveillance Camera Images,” Science & Justice, 41(3): pp 167-172 (2001).

Howells, William White, “The designation of the principle anthropometric landmarks on the head and skull,” American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 22:477 (1937).

Howells, William White, “The Techniques of Measuring Auricular Height in the Living,” American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 24:185 (1938).

Hrdlička, Aleš, Anthropometry, Wistar Institute, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (1920).

Hrdlička, Aleš, Practical Anthropometry, 2nd ed., Wistar Institute, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (1939).

Iannarelli, Alfred Victor, The Iannarelli System of Ear Identification, Foundation Press, Brooklyn, New York (1964).

Iannarelli, Alfred Victor, Ear Identification, Paramont Pub., Fremont, California (1989).

Imhofer, Richard, “The Significance of the External Ear for Determining Identity” (“Die Bedeutung der Ohrmuschel für die Feststellung der Identität”), Archives for Criminology, (Archiv für die Kriminologie), Bd. 26 pp 150-163 (1906).

Imhofer, Richard, Forensic Otology (Gerichtliche Ohrenheilkunde), Verlag von Curt Kabitzsch, Leipzig, Germany (1920).

Irwin, Joseph Oscar, “Biometric Method, Past, Present, and Future,” Biometrics, 15: 363-375 (1959).

Jain, Anil K.; Dass, Sarat C.; and Nandakumar, Karthik, “Soft biometric traits for personal recognition systems.” International Conference on Biometric Authentication (2004).

Jain, Anil K.; Flynn, Patrick J.; and Ross, Arun A., Handbook of Biometrics, Springer Verlag, Berline, Germany (2007).

Jain, Anil K. and Park, Unsang, “Facial Marks: Soft Biometrics For Face Recognition,” Proceedings of International Conference on Image Processing (November 2009).

Jamil, Nursuriati; Al Misreb, Ali; and Halin, Alfian Abdul, “Illumination-Invariant Ear Authentication,” Proceedings International Conference on Medical and Rehabilitation Robotics Instrumentation, ConfPRIDE, Elsevier B.V., Amsterdam, Netherlands (2013-2014).

Jones, Frederic Wood, “Measurements and Landmarks in Physical Anthropology,” Bernice P. Bishop Museum Bulletin, 63:3, Honolulu, Hawaii (1929).

Kolar, John C., and Salter, Elizabeth M., Craniofacial Anthropometry: Practical Measurement of the Head and Face for Clinical, Surgical, and Research Use, Charles C. Thomas, Springfield, Illinois (1997).

Krogman, Wilton Marion and Isçan, M. Yasar, The Human Skeleton in Forensic Medicine, 2nd ed., Charles C. Thomas, Springfield, Illinois (1986).

Lavater, Johann Kaspar, Physiognomical Fragments, Towards Promoting the Knowledge of Men and Human Love (Physiognomische Fragmente, zur Beförderung der Menschenkenntniss und Menschenliebe), Leipzig & Winterthur (1775).

Levie, W. Howard, and Hathaway, Susan N., “Picture Recognition Memory: A Review of Research and Theory,” Journal of Visual Literacy, Vol. 8, No. 1, Ohio University, Athens, Ohio (1988).

Li, Stan Z. and Jain, Anil K. (eds.), Handbook of Face Recognition, Springer Verlag, Berlin, Germany (2005).

Livi, Ridolfo, Antropometria, Ulrico Hoepli, Milan, Italy (1900).

Loftus, Elizabeth F., PhD., and Ketcham, Katherine, Witness for the Defense: The Accused, The Eyewitness, and The Expert Who Puts Memory On Trial, St. Martin’s Press, New York, New York (1991).

Lohman, Timothy G.; Roche, Alex F.; and Martorell, Reynaldo, Anthropometric Standardization Reference Manual, Human Kinetics Books, Champaign, Illinois (1988).

Lu, Xiaoguang.; Colbry, Dirk; and Jain, Anil K., “Three-Dimensional Model Based Face Recognition,” Proceedings of International Conference on Pattern Recognition, Vol. I, pp. 362-366, Cambridge, England (August 2004).

Martin, Rudolf, Anthropology Textbook in Systematic Representation (Lehrbuch der Anthropologie in systematischer Darstellung), Jena G. Fischer, Germany (1914).

Meserve, Frederick Hill, The Photographs of Abraham Lincoln, Harcourt, Brace and Company, New York, New York (1944).

Mochi, Aldobrandino, Two Lessons on Anthropometry as an Aid in Teaching (Due lezioni sull’antropometria come sussidio della pedagogia), Tipografia M. Ricci, Florence, Italy (1903).

Moreno, B.; Sanchez, A.; and Velez, J.F., “On the Use of Outer Ear Images for Personal Identification,” Proceedings IEEE International Carnahan Conference on Security Technology, pp. 469-476 (1999).

Morris, M., “Biometry: its relation to the practice of medicine,” The Medical Record, 10:481-486 (1874).

Nafte, Myriam, Flesh and Bone, Carolina Academic Press, Durham, North Carolina (2009).

Nejati, Hossein; Zhang, Li; Sim, Terence; Martinez-Marroquin, Elisa; and Dong, Guo, “Wonder Ears: Identification of Identical Twins from Ear Images,” ICPR, 1201-1204 (2012).

Nickerson, Raymond S., and Adams, Marilyn Jager, “Longterm Memory For A Common Object,” Cognitive Psychology, Vol. 11, No. , pp. 287-307 (1979)

Novak, Joseph D., and Cañas, Alberto J., “Psychological Foundations of Human Learning,” Institute for Human and Machine Cognition.

Olivier, Georges, Practical Anthropology, Charles C. Thomas, Springfield, Illinois (1969).

Pearson, Karl, The Life, Letters and Labours of Francis Galton, Cambridge University Press, London, England (1913, 1924, 1930).

Pentland, Alex; Moghaddam, Baback; Starner, Thad; Oliyide, Olorunfunm; and Turk, Matthew, “View-based and modular Eigenspaces for face recognition,” Technical Report, 245, MIT Media Lab (1993).

Prahlow, Joseph A., Forensic Pathology for Police, Death Investigators, Attorneys, and Forensic Scientists, Humana Press, New York, New York (2010).

Quételet, Lambert Adolphe Jacques, Anthropometry or Measurement of the Various Faculties of Man (Anthropométrie ou mesure des différentes facultés de l’homme), C. Muquardt, Brussels, Belgium (1870).

Rahman, Md. Mahbubur; Islam, Md. Rashedul; Bhuiyan, Nazmul Islam; Ahmed, Bulbul; and Islam, Md. Aminul, “Person Identification Using Ear Biometrics,” International Journal of the Computer, the Internet and Management, Vol. 14 #2 pp 1-8 (May-August 2007).

Relethford, John, The Human Species: An Introduction to Biological Anthropology, 5th ed., McGraw-Hill, New York, New York (2003).

Roberts, Charles , A Manual of Anthropometry, or a Guide to the Physical Examination and Measurement of the Human Body, Churchill, London, England (1878).

Ross, Arun, and Abaza, Ayman, “Human Ear Recognition,” IEEE Computer Society (November 2011).

Saleh, Mohamed Ibrahim, “Using Ears for Human Identification,” Masters Thesis, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University (2007).

Schwalbe, Gustav Albert, Textbook of the Anatomy of the Sense Organs (Lehrbuch der Anatomie der Sinnesorgane), Verlag von Eduard Besold, Erlangen, Bavaria, Germany (1887).

Shepard, Roger N., “Recognition Memory for Words, Sentences, and Pictures,” Journal of Verbal Learning and Verbal Behavior, 6, 156-163 (1967).

Smith, Edward J., Principles of Forensic Handwriting Identification & Testimony, Charles C. Thomas Publisher, Ltd., Springfield, Illinois (1984).

Snow, Clyde C. , “Forensic Anthropology,” Annual Review of Anthropology, 97–131 (1982).

Spencer, Frank, History of Physical Anthropology, Garland, New York , New York and London, England (1997).

Stewart, T. Dale, ed., Hrdlička’s Practical Anthropometry, 3rd ed., Wistar Institute, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (1947).

Stigler, Stephen M., “The Problematic Unity of Biometrics,” Biometrics, 56: 653-658 (2000).

Sue, Jean-Joseph, On the Proportions of the Human Skeleton (Sur les proportions du squelette de l’homme), De l'Imprimerie Royale, Paris, France (1755).

Swift, Benjamin, and Rutty, Guy N., “The Human Ear: Its Role in Forensic Practice,” Journal of Forensic Science, 48(1): 153-160 (2003).

Tayyaba, S.; Ashraf, M.W.; Afzulpurkar, N.; Hussain, A.; Imran, M.; and Noreen, A., “A Novel Ear Identification System for Security Applications,” International Journal of Computer and Communication Engineering, Vol. 2. No. 2. (March 2013).

Tolleth, H., “Artistic Anatomy, Dimensions, and Proportions of the External Ear,” Clinics in Plastic Surgery, 5: 337–345 (1978).

Topinard, Paul, “Observations upon the methods and processes of Anthropometry,” Journal of the Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland, 10: 212-224 (1881).

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Vallois, Henri Victor, “Antropometric techniques,” Current Anthropology, 6:127 (1965).

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