by Joelle Steele

Astrological Symbols The symbols were created to resemble the gods and the planets, but they have evolved in design over the years.

Selecting House Systems There are many house systems, equal and unequal, to choose from.

Turning the Career Wheel Gain insights into your career or business by deriving your natal chart.

Astro Relocation Finding your best place to live.

Johannes Kepler Kepler's laws of planetary motion are acknowledged as one of the foundations of modern astronomy.

Rectification of the Birth Time With an accurate birth time, astrology is at its most accurate.

Solar Return Charts Many happy returns in ... where?.

Predicting Earthquakes Problems inherent in the astrological prediction of earthquakes and other natural disasters.

Christians and Astrology Misunderstandings about and the battle wages on.

What is Astrology? Astrology is a complex art and science which applies symbolic meaning to astronomical information.

Age of Aquarius When did the Age of Pisces end and open the door to the Age of Aquarius?

Glossary of Astrological Terms This is a dictionary of astrological terms.