by Joelle Steele
These are some of my photography articles that have been published in a variety of photography magazines over the years. You might want to check out my photography advice column and books too. And, I also have some contracts for photographers, only $24.95 each.
Brief History of Photography: From the camera obscura to digital photography.
Collecting Antique Photographs: What to collect, where to buy, what to spend.
Copyright Ownership: Do your own the photo, the copyright, or both?
Ambrotypes, Daguerreotypes, and Tintypes: Which is which and how can you tell.
Digital Plastic Surgery: An article about Joelle Steele's digital photo restoration services.
Digital Restoration of Antique Photos: Repair the damage and restore the beauty of your old photographs.
Digitally Restoring Panoramas: You will need a lot of room on your hard drive and lots of RAM to restore these large files.
Explaining Unexplained Photographic Phenomena: Is it a ghost? Your camera? Or something else?
Forensic Photography-Dating & Placing Photos: Identify, compare, and authenticate antique photographs.
Forensic Photography-Identifying Non-Paper Images: Identify, compare, and
authenticate antique photographs.
Forensic Photography-Identifying Images on Paper: Identify, compare, and authenticate antique photographs.
Hand-Tinting of Photographs: The origins of color tinting black and white photographs.
Handle, Store, and Display Your Antique Photos. How to preserve your old photos and display them.
Is That Photo Retouched?: In most cases you can tell, if you know what to look for.
Kirlian Photography: A Brief Look at Electro-Photography.
Photographic Portrait Types: Not all portraits are the same. These are how they are categorized.
Photographing Portfolios: Whatever you sell - photos or other products - good photographs can make the sale.
Photographing Your Art: How to make the best photographic image of your art work.
Photographic Processes: A look at the chemistry behind photography.
Photos for Advertising and Marketing: Take photos, buy stock photos, or hire a photographer, and get the best images to sell your products or services.
Prepare to Have Your Picture Taken: For the best results in your portrait, follow these tips.
Prepare Your Photos for Publication: Most publishers want a digital photo, and here is how to achieve that.
Scanners and Scanning: Selecting the right scanner and how to scan your images.
Understanding Old Photographs: There is a big difference between interpreting antique images and the facts surrounding them.