by Joelle Steele

Trademarks and Service Marks Protection for your brand.

Trade Secrets Agreements Confidentiality in your business.

Put It In Writing Written contracts and agreements are your best investment.

The Worst That Could Happen Contracts protect you from the worst that can happen.

How to Win in Small Claims Court Be prepared to face a very savvy judge.

How to Hire an Attorney Find the best attorney for your case.

Who Should Write Your Contract Anyone can write a contract, so who should write yours?

What Is A Paralegal? Could this be the right job for you?

How to Negotiate a Contract There's give and take in all negotiations.

Why You Should Not Try to Get Out of Jury Duty Juries need more bright and intelligent membbers.

Torts and Contracts At the base of many contracts is protection from torts.

A Few Basics of Good Legal Writing Good writing ensures full understanding of legal documents by anyone who reads them.

Dispute Resolutions Arbitration? Mediation? Litigation?

Copyright Law Protection for intellectual property.

Five Components of a Great Contract A great contract makes for a great legal transaction.

Patents Protection for your invention.