by Joelle Steele

Can You Determine Handedness in Handwriting: Can you tell if a writer is left- or right-handed?

Digital Signature Problems: Can you analyze a Digital Signature?

Handwriting Traits That Can Signal Psychological Problems: Samples of handwriting that can indicate unstable personalities.

Graphology and Screening Job Applicants: The use of handwriting analysis in the personnel selection process.

Personality Profiles-Handwriting Tells The Story: Graphology can be used to identify your personality characteristics.

Forensic Graphology-Detecting Forgery and Identifying Anonymous Writers: How handwriting analysis is used to detect forgery and identify writers of hate mail.

A Brief Introduction to Handwriting Analysis: How it works, the difference between its forensic use and its psychological interpretation.

Authentication of Questioned Documents: An introduction to forgery detection.

Analysis and Comparison of Handwriting Samples to Authenticate A Signature or Document: A quick overview of forensic graphology.

A Brief History of Graphology: From ancient Chinese and Roman times to our modern world, handwriting has fascinated casual observers, scientists, artists, and many other people as it evolved into an accepted science.