by Joelle Steele

Improve Your Non-Profit Publication: You can make your non-profit organization's publication more attractive and draw advertisers to offset production and editorial costs.

Is Self-Publishing For You?: Explains the differences between royalty publishers and self-publishing, pros and cons of self-publishing, costs involved in doing it all yourself.

Write Useful Writer's Guidelines: Publishers need to provide helpful guidelines for writers, and this explains what is needed.

Plan Your Non-Profit Annual Publication: Explains how to create a schedule that will help keep your organization on track so that your annual roster or guide gets published on time.

Before You Self-Publish Your Book: Think before you jump into self-publishing. It's a great alternative for some writers, but it's a job that requires a very different skill set.

Use Newsletters to Promote Your Business: It's a lot of work, but nothing will help you promote stronger client relations than a well-written and produced newsletter.