by Joelle Steele

Accidental Dignity. When a planet is in an angle its effect is more powerful than in succedent or cadent houses, making the 10th house strongest, followed by the 1st, 7th, and 4th (the weakest) place.

Addiction, addictive personality. Sun conjunct Neptune and Moon in Pisces - also shows low-self-esteem, impressionable person, gullibility

Adjusted Calculation Date. A date when the noon positions of the planets culminate in the progressed horoscope. Also called a noon date or perpetual noon date.

Afflicted, affliction. An unfavorable planetary aspect. A planet that is parallel, conjunct, square, or opposed to Mars, Saturn, Uranus or Neptune, or is square or opposite any other planets.

Air Signs. Signs possessing the qualities of the element air: intellect, thought process etc. The air signs are Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius.

Albategnius Houses. An ancient house system based on the division of the Prime Vertical into diurnal and nocturnal arcs which are then divided into three equal parts by two declination circles. Believed to have been invented by 10th century Arabian astrologer Prince Muhammed ben Gebir al Batani (European name Albategnius). It may have given rise to the Placidus house system.

Albohazen Houses. See "Halyian Houses."

Alcabitius Houses. A house system based on trisection of the semi-arcs by time division. Probably attributable to the 12th century Arabian astrologer, Alchabitus.

Alien Signs. See "Dissociate Aspect."

Almuten. The best disposed planet in the chart.

Anaretic Degree. The final degree of a sign (29th). Also refered to as the degree of fate.

Angle, angles, angular. The four cardinal points of a chart in the signs of Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn, representing the first, fourth, seventh, and tenth houses. The lines of the chart wheel which lie at 0 degrees (Ascendent), 90 degrees (I.C.), 180 degrees (Descendent), and 270 degrees (M.C.). These major points represent Cardinal Qualities. A planet that falls in or near one of the angles, where its influence is strengthened is angular.

Antisedent. A planet that is retrograde.

Antivertex. The point directly opposite the vertex.

Apply, applying, application. When a faster-moving planet nears an aspect to a slower-moving planet. If the slower-moving planet is also retrograde, both planets are applying. When planets are applying, the aspect is stronger than when it is separating.

Aquarian Age. A 2000 year period influenced by the qualities of Aquarius. An era supposed to bring peace and wisdom through unity. Some believe it began in the 1970s, while others believe it began around 2000. It should last until about 4100.

Aquarius. The water bearer, ruled by Uranus and Saturn (old ruler).

Arabic parts or points. Calculated points of the zodiac originally used for buying and selling of futures in ancient times. The most commonly used one today is the Part of Fortune or "pars fortune."

Arc. An angular measurement between two celestial planets or points. Any part of a circle, measured around it's circumference.

Arcturan Houses. A house system based on equal division of the horizon from the east point by longitude circles.
Aries. The sign of the Ram. Ruled by Mars.

Ascendant. The rising sign. The degree at which the Zodiac rests over the eastern horizon of the birthplace at the time of birth. The degree rises every four minutes and a new sign rises about every two hours, with all twelve signs rising everywhere on earth over a 24-hour period. It signifies the outer self as viewed by others.

Ascension, Long and Short. Long ascension signs in the northern latitudes are Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, and Sagittarius. They rise slowly and take longer than the two hours that it would take if all twelve signs rose at the same rate every twenty-four hours. In the southern hemisphere, those same signs are the signs of short ascension and the signs of long ascension there are Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces, Aries, Taurus, and Gemini – the signs of short ascension in the northern latitudes.

Ascension, right. Used in the calculation of houses, it is measured on the equinoctial or celestial equator.

Aspect, aspects. The angular distance, calculated in specific number of degrees of the chart wheel, between two celestial points or planets. It shows the nature of the relationship between planets. The distances between planets and key points in a chart, the main ones being the square, the opposition, the sextile, the trine, the conjunction, and the parallel.

Asterism. See "Constellation."

Asteroids. Approximately five main asteroids are interpreted by some astrologers: Ceres, Juno, Pallas Athena, Vesta, and Chiron.

Astro Twins. Two people born on the same day but not necessarily related to each other.

Astrodiagnosis. Health and/or medical evaluations made using astrology.

Astrologer. A person who calculates and then interprets the planets and their relationships to each other, as well as their influences.

Astrological Age. A period of just over 2,000 years. Each age corresponds to a zodiacal sign. From 6000-4000 BC was the Age of Gemini; 4000-2000 BC the Age of Taurus; then the Age of Aries; and the Age of Pisces.

Astrology. The study and interpretation of personalities and events based on the positions and movement of the Sun, Moon, and planets, as well as other extraneous bodies and elements. The name comes from the Greek "astron-" meaning "star" and "-ology" meaning "study." Its origins date at least 3,000 years, although some claim it pre-dates the Babylonians.

Astronomian. An obsolete term for an astrologer.

Astropsychiatry. The study and therapy of mental states using astrology.

Atomic Time. See Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).

Autumn Equinox. When the Sun reaches the point where the plane of the ecliptic intersects the plane of the Earth's equator, when it enters Libra in Autumn.

Axis, axis mundi. An invisible line running through the center of the earth on which the earth rotates, always pointing to the pole star in Ursa Minor. Also, the axes of all the planets are inclined to their orbits.

Ayanamsa. A derivative of a Sanskrit term that denotes the difference in degrees for any given point in time between the tropical and sidereal zodiacs.

Benefic. An aspect or planet that is believed to bring good look or positive things to the native.

Bi-quintile. A planetary aspect in which two planets or bodies are 144 degrees apart.

Birth Chart. See "Natal Chart."

Bi-septile. A planetary aspect in which two planets or bodies are 102.8 degrees apart.

Bi-wheel. Two charts, with one in the middle and the other wrapped around the outside of it. Used for comparing two charts.

Boomerang. A chart pattern or configuration that is a modified yod, in which the single planet or body that is being quincunxed is also in opposition to a fourth planet.

Bracketing. See "Framing."

Bucket. A chart pattern or configuration in which a single planet is approximately opposite all the other planets in the chart.

Bundle. A chart pattern or configuration in which all the planets are grouped into one-third of the chart wheel.

Cadent. The third, sixth, ninth, and twelfth houses.

Campanus Houses. A house system attributed to 13th century astrologer Johannes Campanus (Giovanni di Campani).

Cancer. Zodiacal sign of the crab. Also called Moon Children because it is ruled by the Moon.

Capricorn. Zodiacal sign of the sea goat, half-goat and half-fish. Ruled by Saturn.

Cardinal signs. The signs on the angular houses: Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn. Also called movable signs because they are the signs that really move and denote action.

Cast, Casting. To erect an astrological chart of some kind.

Catholic Astrology. See "Mundane Astrology."

Celestial Globe. A globe that displays the constellations.

Celestial Sphere. The hypothetical sphere of the heavens as seen from a point on earth.

Chart ruler. Also called the "Personal Ruler." The planet that rules the sign on the Ascendant.

Chart signature, chart type. Also called the "Final Signature." The weight or number of planets in the elements (the triplicities) or in the quadruplicities that results in, for example, a signature that is Cardinal Water, Mutable Air, etc.

Chart Sub-Signature. Found if there is a preponderance of angular, succedent, or cadent planets.

Chart, chart wheel. A written and symbolic map or wheel indicating the positions of the planets and other bodies at the time of a birth, an event, or for a year or specific date in time.

Chinese Lunar Calendar. Rat 1984; Ox 1937, 1973, 1985; Tiger 1986; Hare 1927, 1951, 1987 (the Cat in Japanese); Dragon 1988; Snake 1977, 1989; Horse 1954, 1990; Sheep 1991 (the goat in Japanese); Monkey 1992; Rooster 1993; Dog 1922, 1994; Pig 1995.

Combust. When a planet is conjunct the Sun within an orb of five degrees. It is theorized that the planet loses some of its force.

Commence, commencing. When a planet is approaching the Ascendant.

Common. See "Mutable."

Comparison. See "Synastry."

Compatibility Chart. See "Synastry."

Composite Chart. An astrological chart that blends two natal charts into a separate entity, such as a partnership or marriage that can then be interpreted in its own right along with either of the two charts used to create it. Also called a relationship chart.

Configuration. An Aspect which has three or more planets.

Conjunction. A planetary aspect in which two planets or bodies are in the same degree and sign. A conjunction gives great strength to the energies of the interacting planets.

Constellation. A group of stars that represent an animal or mythological being, such as Aries, Taurus, Cancer, etc. Also called an asterism.

Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). Based on International Atomic Time, a time standard that replaced Greenwich Mean Time because it is more accurate than GMT. Also called earth orbital time.

Cosmic Cross. See "T-Square."

Critical degrees, crucial degrees. Any planet or point that is in the 1 or 29 degrees of any sign. Also other critical degrees in cardinal signs are 13 and 26; in fixed signs 9 and 21; and in mutable signs 4 and 17. Gives additional emphasis.

Culminate, culmination. When any planet or other body arrives at the Midheaven or tenth house cusp.

Cusp. The imaginary line that separates one sign or house from the other.

Cycle. The time it takes a planet or point to make one complete revolution in the heavens.

Day for a Year Progressions. See "Secondary Progressions."

Daylight Savings Time (DST). A time period during which the clocks are advanced an hour, sometimes more. Also called, at various times in history, Summer Time, War Time, or even Double Summer Time.

Death Chart. An astrological event chart erected for the date, time, and place of a death.

Decan, decanate. Any 10-degree arc of a sign, resulting in three divisions of a sign known as the first, second, and third decans or decanates.

Decile. A planetary aspect between two planets or bodies that are 36 degrees apart.

Declination. The distance of a planet north or south of the celestial equater.

Degree for a Year Progressions. A chart in which the natal chart is advanced one degree for each year of life. Also referred to as the one-degree method, one-degree progressions, or one-degree directions.

Degree. 1/360 of a circle.

Delineation. The analysis and interpretation of an astrological chart.

Demi-decan, demi-decanate. A half-decan or half-decanate, or a 5-degree arc.

Depression. See "Fall."

Derived Houses. A method of interpreting more fully a native's chart, by looking at, for example, their child through deriving or turning the chart so that the fifth house (house of children) is interpreted as the first house of their child, and then interpreting that derived chart.

Descendant. The opposite point from the Ascendant: cusp of the 7th house. Describes one's interaction with another.

Detriment. A planet is in its detriment when it is in the sign opposite the one it rules.

Diameter. An old term for an opposition aspect.

Dignity. A planet is dignified when it is in the sign it rules.

Direct. The movement of the planets through the zodiac in a counter-clockwise direction.

Directions. See "Progressions."

Disjunct. See "Inconjunct."

Dispositor. The ruling planet of the sign on the cusp of the house is the dispositor of a planet sited in that house and superimposes itself over the other planet.

Dissociate. Planets that are in aspect to each other but are out-of-sign. For example, the Moon at 1 Aquarius opposite the Sun at 1 degree Leo is a true opposition, while the Moon at 1 degree Aquarius opposite the Sun at 29 degrees Cancer is within the orb of an opposition but is out-of-sign. Dissociate is also an old term used for the quincunx aspect.

Domiciled. When a planet is in the house or sign that it rules, i.e., it is in its home sign or its own house.

Dominion. See "Rule, Ruler, Rulership."

Double Summer Time. See "Daylight Savings Time."

Draconic Chart. Probably derived from the ideal sidereal longitude of the Dragon's Head (North Node) in the 1st degree of Aries on the 1st Nisan of the Hypsomatic Year, with the positions of the planets being measured from that node

Dragon's Head/Tail. See "Nodes."

Dwad, dwadasama, dwadeshamsa. Dwad is an abbreviation for the Sanskrit word "dwadasama" or "dwadeshamsa," which means "duo-decimal" or divided into twelfths or 2.5 degree arcs. An old system dating to the Chaldeans that is useful when extreme refinement is necessary in the delineation of two very similar charts, such as in differentiating between twins - each 2-1/2 degrees of a sign takes on the overlay of another sign in order of the signs of the zodiac.

Earth. The position of the Earth is found in the degree, sign, and house that is exactly opposite the position of the Sun.

Earth Orbital Time. See "Coordinated Universal Time."

Earth Signs. The signs of Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn.

East Point. A house system devised by astrologer Alan Leo.

Eclipse. A phenomenon, also called an occultation, that occurs when the orb of the Earth is between the Sun and the Moon (a lunar eclipse) and the Moon is hidden or partially hidden from sight by the umbra or shadow of the Earth; or when the Moon is between the Earth and the Sun (a solar eclipse), and the Sun is hidden or partially hidden from sight by the umbra or shadow of the Moon.

Ecliptic. The path traced by the movement of the Sun around the Earth against the fixed stars.

Eighth House. The house ruled by Scorpio and Pluto (Mars in old rulership).

Electional Chart. A chart drawn for a specific event, such as a wedding, signing a contract, etc., in the same way as a regular birth or natal chart, which is then interpreted for its suitability for the event.

Elements. Four-fold division of the Zodiac: Fire, Earth, Air, Water. Signs of the same element share qualities of that element. Called the "triplicities."

Elevation. The altitude of a planet or other body above the horizon.

Eleventh House. The house ruled by Aquarius and Uranus.

Ephemeris Time (ET). Universal Time (UTC) with the addition of a very small gravitational variation or adjustment.

Ephemeris. An astrological almanac that lists the positions of the planets and other data over a specific period of time in table format.

Equal houses. A house system that uses the degree of the Ascendant as the basis for all the succeeding house cusps so that each house begins at the same degree of each sign. While a simple system to calculate, it means that the Midheaven can fall anywhere between the eighth and eleventh houses.

Equator. The imaginary line drawn around the Earth, dividing it into the northern and southern hemispheres. When this line is extended into space, it is called the celestial equator.

Equinox, Equinoxes. One of either of two times during the year when the sun crosses the celestial equator and the length of the day and night are approximately equal. The term means "equal night." See also "Vernal Equinox" and Autumn Equinox.

Esoteric Astrology. An astrological method that views the native from a purely spiritual standpoint.

Event Chart. See Electional Chart.

Exact. See "Perfect."

Exaltation. A planet is exalted when it is in a sign other than the one it rules but where it expresses itself harmoniously.

Exoteric Astrology. See "Astrology."

Ezrian Houses. See "Horizon Houses."

Fall Equinox. See "Autumn Equinox."

Fall. A planet is fallen when it is in the sign opposite to that of its exaltation.

Feminine Signs. The Earth and Water signs. Feminine signs are refered to as negative and indicate passive and receptive energy.

Fifth House. The house ruled by Leo and the Sun.

Final Signature. See "Chart Signature."

Fire Signs. The signs Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius.

First House. The house ruled by Aries and Mars.

Fishes. A common name for the sign of Pisces.

Fixed Signs. Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius. Fixed signs are stubborn.

Fixed Stars. The stars that make up the constellations, which appear to be fixed or immobile due to their vast distance from earth.

Fixed. The signs on the Succedent houses: Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius.

Forecasting. See "Predictive Astrology."

Forming. When an aspect between planets is beginning or starting.

Fortified. When a planet is strong because it is well-placed, well-aspected, is elevated, or is in a sign of its own dignity.

Foundation Chart. A chart erected for the start or founding time of a building or a business or other entity. Used in electional astrology.

Fourth House. The house ruled by Cancer and the Moon.

Framing. When a planet is framed or bracketed by two other planets within a very small arc of the ecliptic, and those planets exert their influence over that planet or that planet blends it influence with the other two.

Gemini. The zodiacal sign of the twins, Castor and Pollux in Greek mythology, ruled by Mercury.

Genethlialogy. See "Natal Astrology."

Geocentric. The astrological view of the solar system as viewed from the Earth as the central point. Also known as the Ptolemaic system in which the Earth, rather than the Sun, is at the center of the solar system.

Gibbous Moon. A phase of the moon when both sides are convex, shortly after the completion of the square aspect.

Glyph. A carved, etched, or embossed symbol found on sculptural and architectural structures, but not in written form unless it is translated into written form. See also "Sigil."

GMT. See "Greenwich Mean Time."

Grand Cross. Configuration in which four planets form mutual squares. It creates a lot of tension.

Grand Fixed Cross. A Grand Square/Grand Cross aspect configuration in which each planet is in one of four of the fixed quadruplicities: Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius.

Grand Sextile. An aspect configuration which involves six planets found at six different points in the chart, each sextiling each other and creating a large hexagram pattern.

Grand Square. An aspect configuration in which two pairs of planets or bodies are in opposition and also square each other and are each in a different element.

Grand Trine. An aspect configuration in which three planets are trining each other in the same element or triplicity. A harmonious configuration.

Greenwich Mean/Meridian Time (GMT). The local mean time at Greenwich, England. The starting point for all the time zones of the world, replaced in recent years by International Atomic Time or Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).

Greenwich Sidereal Time (GST). The local sidereal time at Greenwich, England.

Gregorian Calendar. The modern European and American calendar system named for Pope Gregory XII who ordered a reform of the older Julian Calendar. When the Gregorian calendar was instituted in 1582, ten days were adjusted to make the equinox occur on March 21 and the length of the solar day was corrected. In addition, the year was made to begin on January 1 and the leap year system was begun. The Gregorian calendar was slow to catch on. It was adopted by Sweden and Germany in 1700, in England in 1752, in Russia in 1918, and Turkey in 1926 – the last country to adopt it. See also "Julian Calendar."

Half-sums. See "Mid-points."

Halyian Houses. A house system based on the Albategnius system and named for the 11th century Arabian astrologer Albohazen Haly. Also known as the Albohazen house system.

Hard Aspects. Squares, oppositions and quincunxes. Aspects which create tension and/or friction.

Hard Rectangle. An aspect configuration in which two pairs of oppositions have planets that are both semi-square and sesqui-square to each other, forming a narrow rectangle.

Harmonics. A form of astrology developed by 20th century English astrologer John Addey.

Heliocentric. A system of astrology in which the Sun is the center of the universe and the planetary action is studied from that standpoint.

High Focus Planet. A planet that stands out because it is elevated (in the ninth or tenth houses), or that makes more aspects than any other planet in the chart, or that is the lead in a linear aspect configuration such as a locomotive or bucket pattern, or that is on the Ascendant.

Historical Astrology. See "Mundane Astrology."

Horary Astrology. A form of astrology in which a chart is erected for the moment a question is asked, and the interpretation is used to provide the answer.

Horary Chart. Done for the moment a question is asked - are done same way as regular natal chart, except name will be that of the question (e.g., "will I get the job?"), an event about which the question is being asked (e.g., Hawaii Trip), or a thing (e.g., a lost dog)

Horizon Houses. A house system based on the division of the horizon into twelve arcs of 30 degrees, starting from the meridianal circle. Attributed to 12th century Jewish astrologer Ibn Ezra and sometimes called the Ezrian house system.

Horoscope. See "Natal Chart."

Horoscopy. Natal astrology.

House systems, divisions. The ways in which the astrological chart is divided and the house cusps established. There are many theories and systems, including Placidus, Koch, Equal, Regiomontanus, Campanus, Solar, etc.

Houses. The celestial sphere as a 360 degree circle is divided into twelve sections called houses. They are numbered counterclockwise from the Ascendant (9:00 position). Each house represents certain aspects of life.

Hypothetical Planets. Imaginary or hidden planets, the existence of which is not verifiable or recognized by science.

IC, Imum Coeli. One of the four major angles of a birth chart. It may or may not be the beginning of the fourth house and is a very personal point in a chart. The lowest part of the chart. Any planets located there underpin everything else in the chart. Sometimes referred to as the anti-midheaven.

Inceptional Astrology. A name proposed by astrologer C.E.O. Carter to distinguish electional astrology from astrology that is concerned with the beginnings or foundations of such things as businesses, buildings, or other enterprises.

Inconjunct. A planet that forms no aspects and is not in mutual disposition to another planet. The same as a disjunct. Also an old term used for the quincunx.

Influence. To have an effect on something, either planet-to-planet or from the planets to the native.

Ingress. When a planet or other body enters into a sign or quadrant of the zodiac.

Intercepted, interception. When an entire sign is in a house that has the preceding and succeeding signs on the cusps of the house. The opposite sign will likewise be intercepted. Interceptions are common to those born in the higher latitudes and are also more common in certain house systems, notably Placidus and Koch.

International Atomic Time. See Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).

Interpretation. See "Delineation."

Joys. Places in the zodiac where planets, being harmoniously located, have the most beneficial effect. Rarely used in modern astrology. According to William Lilly, the joys of the planets are: Saturn joy in Libra; Jupiter joy in Sagittarius; Mars joy in Scorpio; Sun joy in Leo; Venus joy in Taurus; Mercury joy in Virgo; Moon joy in Cancer.
Judicial Astrology. Relates to the forecasting of principal events which will befall a country and public conditions which will prevail.

Julian Calendar. A calendar system that was used from 45 BC to 1582 AD in most parts of the European world and others parts of the world until the 20th century. It was named after Julius Caesar who ordered it as a reform of the more ancient Roman calendar. It was later replaced by the Gregorian calendar in use today. See also "Gregorian Calendar."

Juno. The queen of the gods. An asteroid seen by modern astrologers as significant.

Jupiter. The king of the gods, a planet symbolising matters to do with the law, religion, authority, the higher mind and so on. Ruler of Sagittarius and Pisces. Exalted in Cancer. The greater benefic.

Jupiter-Saturn Cycle. See "Saturn-Jupiter Cycle."

Katarchic Astrology. See "Horary Astrology."

Keplerian Aspects. A group of aspects called "quintiles," originally proposed by astrologer Johannes Kepler, and including the bi-quintile, decile, quindecile, quintile, semi-decile, and quincunx.

Kite. A Grand Trine with one of the planets making an opposition to a fourth planet which in turn makes sextile aspects to the two others of the Grand Trine.

Koch, Kochian houses. A house system also known as the birth place method, which relies on time for the divisions starting from the Midheaven to the Ascendant. Can have intercepted houses. Named for its creator, German astrologer Walter Koch. Also called Kochian houses.

Latitude, Celestial. Measurement of distance of any planet or star north or south of the ecliptic. The Sun never has any latitude.

Latitude, Terrestrial. Degree of distance of any place north or south of the Earth's equator.

Lavagnini Houses. A house system based on applying the equal house method in such a way that the Ascendant and Midheaven are integrated at all latitudes. Named for Italian astrologer Bruno Lavagnini.

Leading Planet. The planet furthest east in a locomotive aspect configuration.

Leo. This regal sign is the fifth sign of the zodiac. Ruled by the Sun. The exaltation of Pluto. Leo's symbol is the lion.

Libra. The seventh sign of the zodiac, Libra is the sign most concerned with relationships. Cardinal and Airy. Ruled by Venus. The exaltation of Saturn. Libra's symbol is the scales, or balance.

Lights. See "Luminaries." The Sun and Moon.

Local Mean Time (LMT). The mean solar time for any given city or town, with variation in time being greatest in old dates prior to the 20th century.

Local Sidereal Day (LSD). The complete rotation of the earth, the interval of two successive transits of a fiducial (usually a fixed star) over the meridian of a city or town.

Loci Houses. A house system in which equal house divisions of 30-degree arcs are linked to the angles rather than to the ecliptic.

Locomotive. A chart pattern or configuration in which the chart has at least 120 degrees without planets and about 240 degrees of space occupied by planets, with the planet furthest east as the leading planet.

Long Ascension. Signs of long ascension take longer to ascend than others. Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius. Long and short ascension are reversed in the southern hemisphere.

Longitude, Celestial. Measurement along the ecliptic in terms of signs and degrees from the point of the vernal equinox (0° Aries). The longitude of a planet in the 126th degree of the zodiac is 6° Leo.

Longitude, Terrestrial. Distance in degrees, minutes and seconds of any place east or west of Greenwich, England. Also measured in hours, minutes and seconds.

Lord, Lordship. See "Rule, Ruler, Rulership."

Luminaries. The Sun and Moon. Also called the lights or the light planets.

Luna: The Moon.

Lunar Cycle. The monthly cycle of 29.531 days during which the Moon forms four aspects with the Sun before returning to its original position.

Lunar Node Cycle. The nodes move around the ecliptic in a clockwise direction (contrary to the movement of the planets) and complete a cycle of approximately 18 years and 7 months in length.

Lunar Nodes. The nodes are points on the ecliptic in which the orbit of the Moon crosses/intersects the ecliptic heading either north or south. The north node is also called the Head of the Dragon or Dragon's Head, and the south node is called the Tail of the Dragon or Dragon's Tail. The nodes signify the native's cross to bear in life, their inner struggle, and the need to balance the nodes in order to find harmony.

Lunar Return. When the Moon makes a monthly return to the place it was in at the time of birth, as is done with a solar return chart (yearly) or any other planetary return.

Lunation. A lunar period, measured from one place in the zodiac until the Moon's return thereto. For example, the time taken by the Moon from one conjunction with the Sun until the next, 29 days, 12 hours, 44 minutes and 3 seconds, is called a synodical lunation. Lunation is also used to describe different aspects of the Moon to the Sun, thus accounting for her phases. The New Moon is also called a Lunation. A chart made for the moment the Moon conjoins the Sun is called a Lunation Chart.

Major aspects, configurations. A major aspect refers to a group of aspects that ancient astrologers such as Claudius Ptolemaeus (Ptolemy) felt were the most important: conjunction, sextile, square, trine, and opposition. The major configurations are aspect patterns in a chart such as the grand cross, grand trine, mystic trine, yod, etc.

Malefic. An aspect or planet that is thought to be harmful to the native.

Map. See "Chart."

Mars. The planetary ruler of Aries.

Masculine Signs. Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius and Aquarius. Masculine signs are assertive and self-assured.

MC. See "Medium Coeli."

Mean Solar Day. A standard measurement of "clock time" derived from the average of the annual series of true solar day sequences.

Mean Solar Time. A compensatory measurement based on the mean solar day.

Medical Astrology. The branch of astrology that studies and interprets health issues in the native.

Medium Coelim, MC. The midheaven or "middle of the skies." One of four major points in the birth chart and is at the top af the chart (may or may not be the same as the tenth house cusp. It represents public life and reputation.

Mercury. The planetary ruler of Virgo and Gemini.

Meridian, Greenwich Meridian. The point from which time and space is measured. It divides longtitude into east and west.

Midheaven. See "Medium Coeli."

Midpoint. A point mid-way between two planets or angles (or sometimes house cusps) that is regarded as susceptible to influences by transit or progressions. The system was made popular by 20th century German astrologer Reinhold Ebertin, who also referred to mid-points as half-sums.

Minor Progressions. A forecasting method in which the natal chart is advanced one month for each year of life.

Mixed Application. Refers to the application of an aspect from one planet to another when one of them is retrograde. See also "Mutual Application."

Modern Planets. Refers to those planets discovered in "modern" times: Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto, although the latter had its status as planet downgraded to a dwarf planet or an item in the Kuiper belt in the early 21st century.

Moon Children. See "Cancer."

Moon. The planetary ruler of Cancer.

Morinus, morinean houses. A house system based on projecting equal-arc divisions of the equator onto the ecliptic from the pole of the ecliptic. The method is named for its creator, 17th century astrologer Morin de Villefranche.

Movable. See "Cardinal."

Mundane Astrology. The astrology of the work-a-day world, its politics, its disasters, wars, and other national and natural events. Also called historical astrology or catholic astrology.

Mutability, mutable. Signs on the cadent houses that indicate the ability to change and adapt, to have a flexible nature. Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces. Flexible nature.

Mutual Application. Refers to the application of an aspect from one planet approaching another when one of them is retrograde.

Mutual Reception. When two planets are in each other's sign of dignity or rulership.

Mystic Rectangle. An aspect configuration in which two pairs of planets are opposite each other and their ends both trine and sextile each other, forming a large rectangular pattern.

Mystic Trine. An aspect configuration of two or more convergent trines in a single chart.

Nadir. The lowest point below the Earth and the opposite of the zenith.

Naibod Arc. An arc used in measuring progressions based on the mean daily solar increment arch or 59 degrees and 8 minutes. Named for 16th century German astrologer Valentine Naibod.

Natal Astrology. The branch of astrology that interprets birth charts. Also known as genethlialogy or genethliacal astrology.

Natal Chart. A chart erected at the exact date, time, and place of birth. Also called a radical chart, radix chart, horoscope, or birth chart.

Native. The individual for whom a natal chart is erected.

Natural Graduation Houses. A house system created to improve on the Porphyry house system, and assumes that the time divisions should be based on a gradual and continuous increase. Invented by astrologer Colin Evans.

Neptune. The planetary ruler of Pisces.

New Planets. See "Modern Planets."

New Style. Refers to dates recorded using the modern Gregorian calendar.

Ninth House. The house ruled by Sagittarius and Jupiter.

Nodal Axis. When it falls across the Midheaven and IC axis, it creates a year of destiny for the native.

Nodes. See "Lunar Nodes."

Nonagen, nonagon. A planetary aspect in which two planets or bodies are 40 degrees apart.

Noon Date. See "Adjusted Calculation Date."

North Node. See "Nodes."

Occultation. See "Eclipse."

Octile. See "Semi-square."

Old Style. Refers to dates recorded with calendar systems that were in use prior to the Gregorian calendar.

One-degree directions, method, progressions. See "Degree for a Year."

Opposition. A planetary aspect in which two planets or bodies are 180 degrees apart. An aspect that creates stress.

Orb. The area of influence, as expressed in degrees, within which two planets or bodies are in aspect. Also referred to as planetary orb.

Orbit. The path followed by a planet in its revolution around the Sun, or the orbit of the Moon around the Earth.

Out-of-Sign. See "Dissociate Aspect."

Parallel. An aspect between two planets or bodies with the same degree of declination, either north or south of the celestial equator.

Pars fortune. See "Part of Fortune."

Pars. See "Arabic Parts."

Part of Fortune. Opposes or favors the financial fortunes according to the aspects it receives from the planets - also called the "pars fortune" or simply "the part."

Part. See "Arabic Parts."

Partile. An aspect that is almost exact or perfect, usually within one or three degrees of perfect. Some astrologers say this term only applies when the aspect is exact and is also "in parallel."

Perfect. An aspect that is exact to the degree (and possibly to the minute).

Perpetual Noon Date. See "Adjusted Calculation Date."

Personal Ruler. See "Chart Ruler."

Phenomenon. See "Planetary Phenomenon."

Pisces. The sign ruled by Neptune.

Placidean, placidus houses. A house system devised by 17th century mathematician and astrologer Placidus de Tito, and based on a time-division method for the time it takes the Ascendant to become the Midheaven. Like Koch houses, Placidus can have intercepted signs. Also called semi-arc houses.

Planetary Hours. An astrological tradition that every hour of the day is ruled by a particular planet.

Planetary Orb. See "Orb."

Planetary Phenomenon. Anything which is perceived or observed in the way of a celestial event, such as an ingress, an eclipse, etc.

Planetary Return. The date and time when a planet or other body returns to the same place it was in at the date and time of birth.

Planetary Rulership. See "Rule, Ruler, Rulership."

Planetary Station. See "Station."

Platic, Platick. An aspect that is forming but is still too "loose" to be considered partile or almost perfect.
Pluto. The planetary ruler of Scorpio.

Polarities. The opposite meanings or interpretations of each planet, sign, and house, with one end being more "positive" and the other being more "negative."

Polarity. Opposite signs effect each other: each sign has a relationship with its partner across the Zodiac.

Porphyrian Houses. See "Porphyry Houses."

Porphyrian, porphyry houses. An old house system based on division of the ecliptic or dividing the houses by trisecting the semi-arc of the Ascendant/Midheaven. Named for the 4th century Greek philosopher. Also called porphyrian houses.

Posited. Situated, placed, or located, as in a sign or house.

Precession, Precession. Refers to precession of the equinoxes, the retrograde movement of the Vernal Point (which marks the beginning of the year) through the constellations, possibly connected with the mutation of the Earth on its poles. Makes fixed stars appear to advance each year.

Prediction, predictive astrology. The branch of astrology that examines and interprets transits, progressions, and planetary returns to determine and forecast or foretell future trends and events in the world or in the life of the native. Also called prophesying.

Pre-Natal Eclipse Point. The sign and degree at which the most recent eclipse occurred prior to the native's birth.

Progression(s). A method of advancing the planets and points of a natal chart to a particular time after birth. Calculated by advancing the natal planets forward in increments and then interpreting them as inner changes in the individual - a more esoteric form of interpretation than transits. Several methods used to calculate progressions and several kinds of progressed charts. Methods are "solar arc," "mean sun," "time method," and "Naibod in R.A." The default setting in Kepler software is "solar arc" (not to be confused with a the progression of the same name). Kinds of progressed charts include: Secondary or Day For A Year (natal chart advanced one day for each year of life), Degree For A Year (natal chart advanced one degree for each year of life), and Solar Arc Progressions, Tertiary or Day for a Month, Minor or Month for a Year, and Converse progressions: Converse Secondary/Day for a Year, Converse Degree for a Year, Converse Solar Arc, Converse Tertiary/Day for a Month, Converse Minor/Month for a Year - all usually done for the place where the native spends most of their time, i.e., their residence.

Prophecy, prophesy, prophesying. See "Predictive Astrology."

Ptolemaic System. See "Geocentric."

Quadrants. The four quarters of the horoscope chart, i.e., the first three houses, the second three, etc.

Quadruplicities. The groupings of the zodiacal signs into fours that reflect their qualities of cardinality (Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn), fixity (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius), and mutability (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces).

Qualities. Cardinal, Fixed, Mutable.

Quartile. An old term used to denote the square aspect.

Querent. In horary astrology, this is the person who asks the question.

Quincunx. A planetary aspect in which two planets or bodies are 150 degrees apart. In older definitions, the term quincunx was once equated with an inconjunct or a dissociate aspect. An uneasy aspect with karmic lessons.

Quindecile. A planetary aspect in which two planets or bodies are 24 degrees apart.

Quintile(s). A planetary aspect in which two planets or bodies are 72 degrees apart. An easy aspect representing accomplishments. Also known as Keplerian aspects.

Radical, radix chart. See "Natal Chart."

Reception. When a planet is in a sign over which it does not rule it is in reception or is received by the ruler, or when a planet is being aspected by a faster-moving planet it is in reception to or receiving that aspect.

Rectification, rectifying. The process of adjusting the birth time or establishing a birth time (when one is unknown) by forecasting backwards and looking at past events in the native's life, in order to make the natal chart correctly reflect the native and his or her life.

Regiomontanean, regiomontanus Houses. An old house system based on the earth's movement around the sun, as measured by the equator and the horizon. Named for Regiomontanus, the 15th century astronomer Johannes Muller.

Relationship Chart. See "Composite Chart."

Relocated Chart, Relocation. Natal charts done to see how someone would react to living or visiting in a location different from the one in which they were born - use the native's real birth information except that when it comes time to enter the birth place, instead enter the name of the place they want to relocate to or to visit.

Retrograde, retrogradation. Planet remains in its position longer so its influence is longer and feels more severe or intense. Its action will be less obvious, less open, and more inwardly oriented. If many of the personal (inner) planets are retrograde in the natal chart, the true nature of the person will be less obvious on the outside, because much of the action takes place on the inside. If no retrograde planets in a natal chart the native is likely to be very direct, outgoing, and uncomplicated. A lot of retrograde planets would add a subtle nuance of mystery because the person is less open. The planet appears to be traveling backwards from Earth's perspective. The energy of a retrograde planet is less assertive.

Right Ascension. See "Ascension, Right."

Rising Sign. The sign that is on the Ascendant.

Rule, Ruler, Rulership. A planet or sign governs or has dominion over a particular house, or a planet governs or has dominion over a particular sign. Also called lord and lordship of a house or sign. The terms lordship and rulership were once defined separately, but their meanings have since merged. Different signs are "ruled" by different planets and their influences can be affected by this fact.

Sagittarius. The sign ruled by Jupiter.

Satellitium. See "Stellium."

Saturn, saturn cycle. The planetary ruler of Capricorn. The approximately 28-year cycle of Saturn that starts at the degree and sign it was in at birth and ends (and begins again) when it returns to that same degree and sign. The Saturn Cycle is further divided into approximately 7-year sub-cycles in which natal Saturn is squared, opposed, squared again, and then makes its return.

Saturn-Jupiter Cycle. A planetary cycle in which Jupiter conjuncts Saturn every 19.859 years. They were conjunct between May 15-16, 2000, and they will conjunct again between December 18-20, 2020.

Saturn-Uranus Cycle. A planetary cycle in which Uranus conjuncts Saturn twice every 90.726 years. The last two times they were conjunct were May 1-9, 1942 and again on February 11-13, 1988. They will be conjunct again on June 25-30, 2032.

Scorpio. The signed ruled by Pluto and Mars (old rulership).

Second House. The house ruled by Taurus and Venus.

Secondary Progressions. A forecasting method in which the natal chart is advanced one day for each year of life.

See-Saw. A chart pattern or configuration in which the planets are distributed in the form of a balance separated by two spaces of approximately 60-90 degrees.

Semi-Arc Houses. See "Placidus Houses."

Semi-decile. A planetary aspect between two planets or bodies that are 18 degrees apart. Sometimes called a vigintile.

Semi-quartile. See "Semi-square."

Semi-quintile. See "Decile."

Semi-sextile. A planetary aspect between two planets or bodies that are 30 degrees apart.

Semi-square. A planetary aspect between two planets or bodies that are 45 degrees apart. Once called a semi-quartile and also called an octile.

Separating Aspect. When a faster-moving planet is moving away from (separating from) a slower moving planet.
Septile. A planetary aspect in which two planets or bodies are 36 degrees apart.

Sesqui-quadrate. See "Sesqui-square."

Sesqui-quintile. A planetary aspect in which two planets or bodies are 108 degrees apart.

Sesqui-square. A planetary aspect between two planets or bodies that are 135 degrees apart.

Seventh House. The house ruled by Libra and Venus.

Sextile. A planetary aspect in which two planets or bodies are 60 degrees apart.

Sidereal Astrology. A system of astrology that uses the sidereal zodiac.

Sidereal Time. The axial rotation of the earth measured by a stellar fiducial, usually a fixed star. Time reckoned by the stars rather than by the Sun.

Sidereal Zodiac. Pecession - in reality Aries is now where Pisces once was - positions of the planets by constellation. A chart that is erected using the placement of the planets as they are without the perspective of Earth that is used in the Tropical Zodiac.

Sigil. A written or graphic cypher, symbol, or iconic image or logotype used to represent a thing or a concept. See also "Glyph."

Significator. Used in horary astrology to signify which planets represent the querent and the object of their question.

Signs. Any of twelve 30-degree arcs of the zodiac that have constellation names assigned to them: Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces.

Singleton. A term used to denote a planet that is all by itself in a chart pattern or configuration, such as a bucket.

Sixth House. The house ruled by Virgo and Gemini.

Solar Houses. A house system used most often when the time of birth is not known. The position of the Sun is on the Ascendant.

Solar Return Chart. Type of forecasting or prediction which giving "snapshot" of the planetary influences during a solar year, i.e., the year beginning on the native's birthday - dates may be off by a day since this is based on real time and not calendar dates.

Solar Time. Measured in relation to the Sun, with the solar day being the interval between two successive transits of the Sun.

Solstice(s). The points in the ecliptic where the Sun is at its greatest distance to the north or south of the equator, and marked by the entry of the Sun into Cancer in Summer and into Capricorn in Winter. When the Sun reaches its maximum declination. This occurs twice a year, at the beginning of Summer and Winter.

Splash. A chart pattern or configuration in which the planets are distributed more or less evenly throughout the chart wheel.

Splay. A chart pattern or configuration in which the planets are distributed throughout the chart wheel with a focal point stellium.

Square. A planetary aspect in which two planets or bodies are 90 degrees apart.

Standard Time. See "Time Zones."

Station, stationary. A term that refers to the times in the orbit of a planet when it appears to be standing still just prior to moving direct or retrograde. This is called a planetary station and the planet is said to be stationary.

Stellium. A group of planets gathered in one area of the Zodiac; sometimes, a multiple conjunction.An aspect configuration in which three or four or more planets or bodies occupy a single sign or single house and are all conjunct. Also called a satellitium.

Succedent. The second, fifth, eighth, and eleventh houses.

Summer Time. See "Daylight Savings Time."

Sun Sign Astrology. As seen in newspaper Astrology columns, predictions for the day, month or year ahead on the basis of Solar Charts.

Sun. The planetary ruler of Leo.

Symbol. Anything – an image, a sigil, a sign, a glyph, etc. – that is used to stand for or represent the nature and story of something else. For example, the sigil ♂ represents Mars and all that Mars symbolizes astrologically. See also "Glyph" and "Sigil."

Synastry. The branch of astrology that studies and compares two charts of individuals and their relationship and/or compatibility to one another, to find strengths and weaknesses in the relationship.

Taurus. The sign ruled by Venus.

T-Cross. See "T-Square."

Tenth House. The house ruled by Capricorn and Saturn.

Tertiary Progressions. A forecasting method in which the natal chart is advanced one day for each month of life.

Tetragon. See "Square."

Third House. The house ruled by Gemini and Mercury.

Time Zones. A system of Standard Time meridians or zones which was introduced in the 19th century to standardize time throughout the world. In this system, all clocks in cities within each zone were set to the same time or zone time.

Tobey Second Chart. Based on an idea of astrologer Carl Payne Tobey's

Topocentric Houses. A house system for computing cusps for any place on earth using the polar axis as the fixed point of reference. Designed by astrologers Wendel Polich and Anthony Nelson Page.

Total Eclipse. See "Umbral Eclipse."

Transit(s). A planet's movement through a sign or house. Refers to the daily movements of the planets as found in an ephemeris, except that with the computer, their positions can be calculated exactly for any particular moment in time. Used to interpret planetary influences which act on the individual from the outside

Transitor. A transiting planet or other transiting body.

Tredecile, tresile. A planetary aspect in which two planets or bodies are 108 degrees apart. Also called a tresile.

Trine. A planetary aspect in which two planets or bodies are 120 degrees apart.

Triplicities, trigon. The elements of fire, earth, air, and water. Once referred to as a trigon or group of three signs of the same element.

Tropical Zodiac. A chart that is erected using the placement of the planets by sign as they appear from the perspective of Earth.

True Local Time (TLT). The apparent solar time, as recorded by sundials. Not used in modern astrology, although many old dates prior to the 20th century may be based on this time method.

True Solar Day. Refers to the length of time it takes the Earth to rotate on its axis once in relation to the Sun.

T-Square. An aspect configuration in which two planets or bodies are in opposition and a third is squaring each of them.

Twelfth House. The house ruled by Pisces and Neptune.

Umbral Eclipse. An umbral eclipse – all eclipses are actually umbral – turns into a total eclipse when the body being eclipsed is not visible because it is in the umbra or shadow of the body eclipsing it.

Unaspected Planet. A planet that does not receive any major aspects, usually causing it to be unintegrated with the rest of the chart.

Under the Sun's Beams. Within 17 degrees of the Sun. Any planet here is weakened, though more so if combust (within 8 degrees 30 minutes). Not so important in natal astrology.

Universal Time (UTC). See "Coordinated Universal Time."

Uranian Planets. Planets postulated to lie beyond the orbit of Pluto.

Uranus. Formerly known as Herschel, after its discoverer, this planet was not discovered until 1781. It has been deemed to rule Aquarius. It stands for unexpected disruptions and sudden catastrophes. Esoterically, it calls forth the genius in the character of the native.

Uranus-Neptune Cycle. A cycle in which Uranus and Neptune are conjunct every 171.403 years. They were last conjunct in December 1993.

Uranus-Pluto Cycle. A cycle in which Uranus and Pluto are conjunct every 127.280 years. They were last conjunct in August of 1966.

Uranus-Saturn Cycle. See "Saturn-Uranus Cycle."

UT, UTC. See "Coordinated Universal Time."

Vedic Astrology. Uses the sidereal zodiac and does not use orb - the signs and houses are treated as identical, i.e., if you have sidereal Aries rising then Aries is the first house,no matter what the rising degree - planets always aspect planets in the house opposite them and there are specific rules for each planet, e.g., Mars always aspects the 4th and 8th houses from its own place

Vega. A white star in the constellation Lyra - it is about 50 times as bright as our sun and is believed to be surrounded by a ring which may be planets in the process of forming

Venus. The planetary ruler of Libra and Taurus.

Vernal Equinox. The Spring equinox, literally the equal night of Spring, when the Sun reaches the point where the plane of the ecliptic intersects the plane of the Earth's equator; when the Sun enters 0 degrees Aries in Spring.

Vernal Point. Zero degrees Aries, the point that marks the Vernal Equinox.

Vertex. The point exactly opposite the antivertex. imaginary angles, other people oriented, shows where you are subject to the control of others and where you are subject to the whims and wishes of others - reactive and responsive - represents the group consciousness - the reflection or reaction point to whatever we have initiated - in synastry, see if one person's planets make aspects to the other person's vertex point as that may result in people who have nothing in common and are together for no apparent reason

Vigintile. See "Semidecile."

Virgo. The sign ruled by Mercury.

Void of Course. A term describing a planet that does not make a major aspect before changing signs. It is primarily with respect to the Moon. Denotes a planet that passes through a sign without making aspects to another planet. In natal astrology, it refers to a planet which formed no aspect before leaving the sign of its radical position. The Moon is considered void of course between its last major aspect in one sign and its entry into the next sign.

War Time (WT). See "Daylight Savings Time."

Water Element. One of the four astrological elements. A feminine element, it stands for emotion, feeling, matters to do with intuition and so on. The other elements are, Fire, Air and Earth.

Water Signs. Cancer (cardinal), Scorpio (fixed), Pisces (mutable)

Western Astrology. Astrology practiced using the Tropical Zodiac.

Wheel. Refers to the wheel-shaped natal charts used by Western astrologers.

Yod. A powerful aspect configuration in which two planets quincunx a third and sextile each other.

Youth (phase of). The period of life from birth up to the first Saturn Return .

Zenith Houses. A house system based on the projection of an equally trisected quadrant of the ecliptic by spatial division. Created by astrologer William J. Tucker.

Zenith. The point immediately overhead from any given place on Earth.

Zero Degree. A misnomer, since there is no real zero degree. A planet or body or point that is at zero degree is actually in the first degree of the sign.

Zodiac(s). From the Greek 'zodiakos', meaning 'circle of animals'. A band or belt in the heavens divided into twelve signs, each containing 30 degrees of longtitude and acting as a barometer for various human traits. There are many types of zodiacal systems, including many ancient ones such as Babylonian, Greek, Sidereal, Mayan, Aztec, Star Calendar, etc.

Zone Time. See "Time Zones."