One of the most decorated designers in Finland

by Joelle Steele

Tapio Wirkkala

Veli Ilmari Tapio Wirkkala was one of the most decorated artist/designers in Finland, and you have probably seen some of his works without knowing his name.

Tapio was born February 6, 1915 in Hanko, Finland. His father was cemetery architect Matti Ilmari Wirkkala (born October 16, 1890), and his mother was Selma Vanhatalo Walkenlasta. Tapio had a brother, Tauno, who was also a glass designer. Tapio died on May 19, 1985.

While serving in the military during World War II, Tapio was on furlough when he met his future wife, ceramic artist Rut Bryk, the daughter of Felix Bryk and Aino Mäkinen. He and Rut were married on November 11, 1945 and had two children: interior designer Sampsa “Sami” Tuomas Wirkkala (1948- ) and artist Maaria Pirittaa Wirkkala (1954- ).

Tapio's 16th great-grandfather was Ragvald Koiraniemi, the earliest known progenitor of Terjärv parish's Caino-Torp line of ancestry, the source of many accomplished and creative Swedish Finns. He shares his direct ancestry with Ragvald, his 16th great-grandfather, who was also the 15th great-grandfather of American inventor Ray Milton Dolby and General Frans Uno Fagernäs, and the 13th great-grandfather of Johan Ludwig Runeberg. He also shares that direct ancestry with me – Ragvald is my 14th great-grandfather.

Tapio's Ultima Thule glassware series

The old expression “Ultima Thule,” which referred to the northernmost part of the world, the hardest place to reach, and the ultimate goal of the intrepid explorer, is the name of one of Tapio Wirkkala’s best known glassware series. It is also an apt expression for describing his style of work.

Tapio was also a teacher, and he taught that “The artist gets his fulfillment ... in overcoming the technical problems involved” in creating his art. But struggles in overcoming technical problems could be ameliorated if the designer understood that “All materials have their own unwritten laws ... and the designer should aim at being in harmony with his material.”

As a designer, Tapio lived by his words. His wide range of skills included carving bobbin-shaped long-legged birds, making both wooden and metal prototypes of cutlery, making sculptures and jewelry, and creating beautiful glass masterpieces inspired by the same Arctic landscape that forged the term “UltimaThule.”

Always drawing, Tapio was originally trained as a sculptor at the Central School of Arts and Crafts in Helsinki/Helsingfors, where he graduated in 1936. Ten years later, he won an engraved glass competition instituted by Iittala Glass, with whom he began a working relationship that lasted until his death. During his entire time with Iittala, he also maintained his autonomy as an independent designer, creating works for a wide variety of companies, such as Hackman Oy, for whom his cutlery and hunting knives set new design standards worldwide.

Tapio found success in fine art with his massive “ice” sculptures, but is best known for his artistically crafted mundane and utilitarian, commercially mass-produced items, such as banknotes, beer bottles, drinking glasses, cutlery, and even airline food service products. He is also known for his industrial design, architecture, and works in glass, ceramics, and silver. Tapio was at the forefront of the 1951 Milan Triennale awards, which first brought Finnish glassware its international acclaim. He earned many awards from all over the world.